Do you know how to publish an ebook with pictures?

Source: Do you know how to publish an ebook with pictures?

Workspace in InDesignHere’s a post from last fall that I swiped from Jean’s Writing! Now that I’m about to epublish my “Beginner’s Cheat Sheet” on formatting your own Print-on-Demand book using InDesign, I’m going to need all the help I can get on formatting ebooks with graphics! What I like in Jean’s video is the idea that you can force text and image to stay together. Does anyone have any experience adding graphics to Kindle ebooks? Does this look like a good process to you? Any help will be WELCOME!



Filed under Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, book design for creative writers, business of writing, ebooks publishing and selling, indie publishing, Print on Demand for fiction writers, Self-publishing, Tech tips for writers, Writing

4 responses to “Do you know how to publish an ebook with pictures?

  1. Can’t wait to see the finished product! Do share any tips that make it easier.


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